Addition and Subtraction of Fractions with Unlike Denominators (Grade 5)
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This lesson set provides an introduction to fraction addition and subtraction when the denominators of fractions differ, problems in which students have to consider different names for fractions relative to a same-sized whole in order to create same-sized units to combine or separate quantities. They will use visual representations (pictorial and symbolic) and mathematical reasoning to rename and combine various fraction quantities. Students will:
- understand and explain the naming of fraction units in relation to a value of one;
- understand and explain the effects of partitioning a given fraction to form an equivalent value; and
- use a variety of strategies and representations to respond to a problem situation involving addition and subtraction of fractions relative to a same-sized whole and weigh their advantages and disadvantages.
Standards: 5.NF.A.1, 5.NF.A.2